

来源:bat365中文官方网站     发布日期:2022-05-18    浏览次数:




Open-Source Cybermanufacturing Ecosystem for Large Scale Digital Microfluidic Biochips


Electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) is a mechanism that allows physical handling of liquids with only electrical signals, such as digitizing a liquid into tiny droplets and manipulating them on a chip, thus enabling “digital microfluidics”. As an elegantly simple platform free of pumps or valves, EWOD digital microfluidics has been attracting high research interest in the past two decades and has recently been transitioned to a few commercial products in displays and biochemistry. However, the number of labs utilizing this technology is still small, due to the difficulty in translating design intent to manufactured devices. In this talk, we discuss a cloud-based open-source EWOD cybermanufacturing ecosystem that enables an automatic translation from user requirements to manufactured digital microfluidics. The cyber ecosystem is to be accessible to a wide range of end users, allowing researchers, entrepreneurs, students, and hobbyists alike to focus on their own ideas and applications without having to master the subtleties of EWOD engineering and manufacturing. This can be thought of as an “operating system” for EWOD community, similar to Windows and macOS for people with no computer hardware background. The cyber ecosystem aims to ease the process of designing and eliminate the burden of fabricating EWOD chips so that the user pool is increased and more applications found for EWOD digital microfluidics.

报告人介绍:黄兴,博士,德国慕尼黑工业大学博士后,TUFF fellow,德国洪堡学者。曾任台湾清华大学博士后研究员,国家公派美国杜克大学联合培养博士。长期致力于微流控生物芯片及超大规模集成电路设计自动化(EDA)软件与算法研究。主持/参与了包括德国洪堡基金,德国TUFF研究基金,中国台湾科技研究基金,国家自然科学基金,德国自然科学基金,福建省自然科学基金等在内的多个科研项目,系统化地解决了微流控生物芯片设计自动化领域的多个瓶颈/前沿课题。发表学术论文近40篇。其中CCF A/中科院一区14篇,CCF B/中科院二区11篇,覆盖了领域顶级期刊TCAD, TC, CSUR, TODAES, AMM以及EDA四大国际会议DAC, ICCAD, DATEASPDAC。出版学术专著/章节2本,获授权国家发明专利5项。担任了包括DAC, ICCAD等顶级会议在内的多个国际会议程序委员会委员,TCAD, TODAES, TVLSI等国际期刊审稿专家。获30余项科研荣誉及奖励,含国际级5项,国家级7项,包括德国洪堡基金(全球通过率25%左右),德国TUFF研究基金(全球每年资助10项左右),中国台湾科学技术研究奖学金,EDA国际期刊ACM TODAES杰出审稿人,卢嘉锡优秀研究生奖(全国每年20名左右),国家公派留学奖学金,教育部博士生国家奖学金,工信部全国软件开发专业人才(高级) 称号等。

