报告人: 宁博博士,天津大学
报告题目:Stability versions of Erdos’ theorem and Woodall’s
conjecture on cycles
Erdos (1962) proved a Turan-type theorem on Hamilton cycle in terms of minimum degree
and the number of edges of a graph. Generalizing Erdos' result, Woodall (1976) conjectured that:
For a 2-connected graph G on n vertices with $\\delta(G)\\geq k$, there holds
$e(G)\\leq \\max\\{f(n,k,c),f(n,\\lfloor\\frac{2}\floor,c)\\}$ if
$c(G)=c\\leq n-1$, where $f(n,k,c):=\\binom{c-k+1}{2}+k\\cdot (n-c+k-1)$.
In this talk, we present stability versions of Erdos' theorem and Woodall's conjecture, respectively. Our result implies a proof of Woodall's conjecture and also generalizes recent theorems of Furedi, Kostochka, Verstraete (2016) and Furedi, Kostochka, Luo, Verstraete (2017+).We also give a stability version of a classical theorem of Bondy (1971/1972) on long cycles. Our methods are completely different from Furedi et al.